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Ready, Set, Mindset!
I often get asked about supplements. Are they necessary for a healthy, energetic life? Or are they just a waste of money? My belief is supplements can be beneficial to a consistently good-quality diet. They...
Read moreOaty Chicken Strips
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus time to marinade Cook time: 30 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients: 4 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried...
Everything is Intertwined
EVERYTHING IS INTERTWINED Four weeks before the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004 I travelled to a race in Thessaloniki in Greece. I felt really sick during...
Mindfulness & Stress
Whether you are prepping for an exam or a big work deadline/project the basics of being healthy & happy to nail your goals are the same. There’s no...
What is Mindfulness?
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is something I added to at the end of 2020. Members have really resonated with it. I’ve put this blog together to...
Outdoor Exercise
As the weather is starting to improve, I’m trying to get outdoors for my exercise a little bit more. This week I am going to chat about the benefits of...
Healthy Morning Tips
Do you want to start your day the right way? Well then consider these tips. Balanced breakfast ideas: Wholegrain carbs e.g. porridge oats. Protein e.g. milk,...
The Wellness Wheel
“Am I Well?” – A question that many people ask them themselves regularly. But what does this actually mean? Are people asking, “Am I suffering from any...
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a form of exercise and self-care that I really have to work on, it doesn’t come as naturally to me as a HIIT workout or going for a jog would. It’s...
Gut Health
In recent years there has been increased information about the human gut and the huge impact it has on whole body health. I recently worked with health coach...